Entrepreneur in Belize

Increased knowledge by youth and youth workers of necessary tools to strengthen businesses of young entrepreneurs

Proculous Salaam interning with Enterprise Unit

Umeeda Switlo

Oct 23 2014

Proculous is studying Business at Belize University and came to the Department of Youth to internn with Umeeda Swiitlo. Since starting he has helped to complete the Enterprise Manual, worked on the Yellow Ginger project and helped other young people asses their business ideas and build business plans. Thanks Proculous.

Hi my name is Umeeda Switlo and I am a Cuso International volunteerYouth Entrepreneurship Development Advisor with the Minitry of Education Youth and Sports. Join me on my journey in Belize

My goal is increased knowledge by youth and youth workers of necessary tools to strengthen businesses of young entrepreneurs.

You can support our work by donating to cuso at http://cusointernational.org/donate

Thanks for listening

Umeeda Umedaly Switlo
